Training At QMTI
As stated in QMTI objective, training is targeted to achieve respectable rehabilitation of soldiers with disability. Training is therefore organised in the backdrop of average academic/ professional qualification available with challenged soldiers, their physical capacity and expectations of the employer in prevailing/ continuously changing vocational environment.
The training is classified and organized in three steps, main training, value addition training and on the job / apprenticeship training.
The training standards are based on those
defined by the National Skill Development
Corporation (NSDC) for National Occupation
(NOS) of level 3 and above jobs.
Whom Do We train

Serving Personnel
- Serving Personnel : Army
- Serving Armed Forces Personnel: Admitted in Military Hospital, Khadki
- Serving Personnel: Para Military Forc
Ex-Service Personnel
Admission Form is available with Rajya Sainik Board / QMTI. Ex- servicemen may directly approach QMTI for admission along with documents authenticating their service in the Armed Forces.
Main Training at QMTI
Foundation Courses
- IT Literacy (NIELIT)
- Functional English (Symbiosis)
Management Training (Pune University)
- Diploma in Industrial Administration and Services Management (DIASM)
Engineering ITI Trades
- Electrician
- Fitter
- Diesel Mechanic
Non-Engineering ITI Trades
- Computer Operator and Programming Assistant (COPA)
- Computer Hardware Networking and Maintenance (CHNM)
Value Addition Training
- O Level Software Course (NIELIT)
- O Level Hardware Course (NIELIT)
- Certification course in social media and cyber security (Rotary club Pune)
- Soft Skills (Vishwakarma University)
- Entrepreneurship Development Programme (Pune University)
- Repair of E & E domestic Home Appliances (Pune University+Godrej+QMTI)
- Agro AnimalEntreprenuership Course (RAMETI + QMTI)
- Solar Plant Repair & Maintenance (Pune University)
On Job Training/ Apprenticeship
- Management: Tata Business Support Services, Bharat Forge Ltd and various local enterprises of chosen vocational area
- COPA: R&D Engrs Dighi, ARDE Pashan, BEL, Indian Metrological Dept, PWD, National Institute of Virology, 512 Army base workshop and local enterprises
- CHNM: Auth computer service centres and many local enterprises dealing with computer hardware / networking.
- Electrician: R&D Engrs Dighi, ARDE Pashan, BEL Pashan, PWD workshop, Central Water Power Research Station, Service Centres of Kirloskar Generator etc
- Fitter: Bharat Forge Ltd, Workshops of govt establishments, 512 Army base workshop and local enterprises
- Mechanic Diesel: Auth service centres of Tata Motors, Maruti, Tractors etc, State Transport workshop, 512 Army Base Wksp