Our Story – History

Roots and Purpose that Run Deep

Evolution and Transformation
It was registered as a non-profit limited company under the Indian Companies Act 1913. Queen Mary was the first patron. Started with the personal initiative and monumental efforts of Lady Marie, as Queen Mary’s Technical School (QMTS) grew by leaps and bounds. The purpose of empowering vocational training to the wounded soldiers and enabling them to earn a respectful living continued to thrive. The institute relocated to Pune (Kirkee) in 1922. In 1953, it was duly registered as a Charitable Educational Trust under the Bombay Public Trust Act, 1950.

The Journey of Empowerment Continues
In 1966, it was named Queen Mary’s Technical Institute (QMTI). This one-of-a-kind institute in India, helps soldiers with disabilities continue to thrive and shine as shining examples of perseverance and triumph. Because of advancement and rapid expansion in the professional world and various industries, the scope of training keeps evolving to bring revolutionary changes in both skill and attitude arenas.

ShakSham QMTI
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