Training at QMTI
Admissions for Training at QMTI
The QMTI provides training to serving armed forces personnel primarily but it also admits trainees from Ex-service personnel and Dependents of Serving and Retired Defence Personals.

- Serving Disabled Soldiers of Army, Navy, Air force.
- Army serving Soldiers (without disability) and All Ex-Serviceman.
- Dependents of serving Soldiers and Ex-Servicemen.
- Disabled civilian defence personal and their legal dependants.
- Personal of para-military forces, police and civilians, either physically handicapped not requiring active treatment.
- Any other person by special dispensation of the board of Trustees, subject to availability of vacancies and strictly as day scholars.
Serving Personnel : Army
For Army personnel seeking admission to QMTI courses:
- Download the Admission and Army HQ letter. Download
- Fill out the Application Form and get it recommended by CO/OC unit. Download
- Submit the form through your respective Record Office. Download
- Approval for training is accorded by DM & GSA.
- SOP Guidelines. Download
- Step 1 and 2 same for Serving persons Navy and Airforce. Download
- Step 3 Approval of Command / Ship. Download
Application submission should be initiated by 01 Apr every year for admission by 01 Jul.
BSF and CRPF Application duly recommended by unit to be routed through daily HQ.
Serving Armed Forces Personnel: Admitted in Military Hospital, Khadki
Disabled serving soldiers under medical treatment at MH Kirkee:
- Join QMTI courses through Commandant MH Kirkee's recommendation.
- Sign an agreement for the training.
- Attend classes during hospitalization.
Serving Personnel
Disabled soldiers from
Apply for admission through
Respective record office/ship/command HQ as applicable.
Ex-Service Personnel
Ex-servicemen seeking admission:
Apply directly to QMTI with documents authenticating their service.
Admission for direct dependents (son, daughter, spouse):
- Fill out Form C available at QMTI.
- Conduct a written test for admission.